Response To The Shelter In Place Order

Krupp & Krupp, LLP Blog

Friday, March 20, 2020


To our valued clients and friends,
WE WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT DURING THIS TRYING PERIOD, WE ARE STILL COMMITTED TO WORKING FOR OUR CLIENTSGovernor Pritzker’s executive order requires businesses, except for “‘Essential Businesses,” to cease operations.  Under the order, legal services are included in the definition of “Essential Businesses.”  Therefore, we are allowed to keep our office open.  However, we will  also operate remotely in order to protect the health of our employees and clients, especially the elderly. Fortunately, we are experienced with remote workplace operations and have the appropriate technology to continue our business operations. Accordingly, we are pleased to inform you that we are working regular business hours.   In the meantime, we ask that you call or email us before stopping by.  We are limiting in-office appointments to one client per day as a precaution.

We are accessible by phone and email, and, we can make arrangements for video conferences.   So we welcome the opportunity to continue to help you.   If you don’t have an estate plan, what better jolt of reality could there be than this crisis!

You might be wondering, “What about signing documents like Wills and Power of Attorneys?  Don’t we need witnesses and a notary?”  We are committed to meeting the needs of our clients in this situation.  Ideally, you will sign these documents in our office – this is still permitted.  Our office is large enough so that we can maintain the required 6 feet of “social distance” between people.  If necessary, we will go to your house, slide your documents under the door, and watch you sign them through a window so we can properly witness and notarize your estate planning documents.

If you have a family member who is facing the financial burden of a nursing home, we are still here to help protect people’s homes and savings.

We are also here for our business and real estate clients.  If you have employment issues, landlord-tenant problems, an upcoming transaction, or whatever the case may be, we will help you get through this crisis.

Should you need our assistance or have a question in the interim, you can reach us in the following ways:

By telephone, by calling 815-758-5444. You should be able to reach a live person during business hours.

By email, as follows:

Jamie Krupp –

Christie Krupp –